Lämmitys ja ilmanvaihto

Heating and Cooling
Heating can be solved with all modern heating solutions. We have solutions for district heating as well as different types of heat pumps. We use Nibe, Bosch and Mitsubishi equipment in our buildings. The specific heating solution is calculated by our specialist engineers, providing the customer with the best solution depending on the location of the building.
The pipe system for the buildings is all solved with UPONOR or LK products. Heating automation can also be connected with a smart house system.
The advantage of the Smart BOX construction system is its very well insulated construction with minimal heat loss to the building.
For cooling we use separate SPLIT units when needed, this balanced solution provides both efficiency and price. It is also possible to choose standard inner part as well as design with colour options.

For ventilation we use heat recovery ventilation equipment. We use equipment from brands such as Fränkische, Vallox and Systemairi.
Because the Nordic climate in winter is very low in humidity, it is possible the exchange the standard heat exchanger to enthalpy heat exchanger that removes humidity up to 80% in the room, providing much better indoor climate in winter.
All equipment has automated functionality depending on a season, which can turn off the heat exchanger if necessary to maintain the indoor temperature. Both classic metal ventilation ducts and plastic ducts are available. In the case of plastic ducts, the pipes do not have static electricity and are also free of microorganisms. Using plastic ducts also significantly reduces the noise level in the system. All ventilation units we use can be combined with a smart house system. Fränkische also offers design ventilation ceilings.

Cooling system
Passive house certified heat pump is efficient and inexpensive to maintain, saving several hundred euros per year.
We use a Mitsubishi Electric EF25 3.2kW air source heat pump and electric underfloor heating in the bathroom as a standard option for heating and cooling Smart BOX small houses.

Heating system
We use the German manufacturer Zehnder ComfoAir 70 to ventilate small houses www.zehnder.ee
Zehnder ComfoAir 70 is designed for ventilation of smaller apartments or separate rooms / groups of rooms. The unique design of the device leaves all noisy components hidden inside the outer wall. The entire inside of the housing of the device is in the form of polypropylene, which ensures particularly good noise barrier and airtightness. Intake / exhaust air ducts can be attached to the back of the device. Without additional air ducts, the device works on a room basis.
Zehnder ComfoAir 70 is one of the few room-based ventilation units to be certified as a passive house.
- Energy recovery ventilation unit
- Air flow up to 60 (50 Pa)
- Suitable for rooms up to 50
In small houses, it is also possible to use the floor heating solution described above via an air source heat pump as an accessory.

Väikemajade põrandakütte
Väikemajade vannituba on varustatud energisasäästliku elektrilise põrandaküttega mida juhib DEVIreg™ Smart WiFi põrandaküttetermostaat DEVIreg™ Smart on intuitiivne programmeeritav taimeriga termostaat mida saab juhtida üle WiFi ja DEVIreg™ Smart App rakenduse abil mistahes maailma paigast mistahes ajal.
Termostaadil on avatud akna funktsioon ja energiasäästuprogramm, mis sisaldab ka optimaalse kütmise alguse/lõppemise juhtimist, mis tagab soovitud temperatuuri täpselt õigeks ajaks säästes sellega küttekuludelt.